The core curriculum helps you discover the breadth and complexity of creation and seeks to help you integrate faith and life.
The diverse nature of the core equips you with the skills needed for today’s ever-changing work environment.
bwin体育的核心不是一些随机的课程. The core is purposeful and bold and will help you think constructively and creatively in all your learning.
God三位一体的神在受造的世界中显现自己. The Bible Core at bwin体育大学 seeks to give students confidence in the Bible as God’s written, inerrant, 默示和权威的特殊启示, 并最终相信耶稣基督是救主和主. 3 Courses
HumanityHumanity courses explore the purpose of human life which is to glorify and enjoy God as humans in Coram Deo. This requires a knowledge of self in light of one’s knowledge of God building upon the Christian intellectual tradition. 2 Courses
学习者社区Students will gain an understanding of who they are within an institution of higher learning oriented by the Christian faith and structured around the liberal arts ideal. 1 Course
CosmosCosmos courses explore the nature of the physical and biological universe–from galaxies to oceans to human beings. 作为上帝的创造, the universe serves to reveal God’s glory and attributes and is meant to be understood, appreciated, 并由人类管理. 3 Courses
SocietyBy nature, humans, made in the image of the Triune God, are social beings. Society courses explore the purpose and contours of human society, 使学生能够理解和评价它的各种形式. 2-3 Courses
Reason & RhetoricRhetoric and Reason courses prepare students for prudent and thoughtful engagement of culture and require facility with languages, 书面及口头. 作为按上帝形象创造的个体, 学生必须学会倾听, speak, read, 用智慧写作和推理, care, 和完整性. 2 Courses
文化交流Cultural engagement courses build on the other core areas to prepare students to engage in prudent care and responsible participation in culture and civic life. 这是照著基督的爱和智慧的长进, 学生发展出一种, thoughtful, caring, 对文化的理解和方法. 3 Courses
The bwin体育大学 core provides the framework to promote growth in the student’s knowledge, skills, 对圣经的理解和态度.
Every student takes between 43-49 credits in Geneva’s core curriculum this is paired with 48-72 credits in your major area of study and can be combined with additional majors, minors, 或者选修课程.
Articulate the essential Biblical truths of the Christian faith and discover your calling to participate biblically in relationships, vocation, family, and church
了解自然, strengths, weaknesses, and uses of worldviews and apply worldview analyses critically and thoughtfully to every area of life
学会清晰地沟通, responsibly, 在书面和口头上都保持诚信, 然后评估书面的, oral and artistic communications of others based on the same criteria
Liberal Arts & 批判性思维
Demonstrate value in developing the lifelong learning skills necessary to critically respond to world-shaping intellectual and artistic works, and complement those skills with lifelong habits that nurture physical, 心理和情感健康
Develop discernment of both historic and current causes and effects of contemporary cultural issues and participate in civic life with cross-cultural awareness as shaped by the Biblical principles of humility and justice
Discover the synergy between Geneva’s 核心课程 and your Major Area of Study
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